How to effectively clean dirt and grime from your Salt Tank
Having some dirt and grime in your salt tank is generally acceptable, as water softeners are designed to filter out impurities before they reach your water supply. The majority of the dirt and grime in your salt tank typically comes from the 1% residue found in a bag of 99% pure extra coarse water softening salt. However, if you still wish to clean it for aesthetic reasons, here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Wait until the salt level drops very low in your salt tank.
- Disconnect the brine line from the main control valve. You can do this from either the salt tank side or the main control valve side, whichever is more convenient.
- If possible, move the salt tank to a location where you can empty the remaining water. Create a cleaning solution by mixing dish soap, water, and a small amount of bleach. Use this solution to scrub the inside of the tank thoroughly, and then rinse it out with a garden hose.
Note: Depending on your circumstances, such as location, HOA rules, physical ability, and the type of system you have, it may only be feasible to wipe the tank’s sides with the same soap and water solution as mentioned above.
- Reconnect the brine line to the main control valve. If you emptied the water out during the cleaning process, make sure to refill the tank to its original water level.
- Refill the tank with salt, and you’re good to go.